Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Will this really work?

Attempting to raise money virally

The simple answer: I have no idea. I've been told by everyone from friends to family to complete strangers to get a job with the justification of "at least, just for now." I'm not ready to wait and I am willing to do everything I can possibly do to get this venture off the ground.

In an edition of Entrepreneur magazine, they ran an article about Crowd Funding (From Friending to Funding), a relatively new phenomena that creative and artistic based-entrepreneurs are beginning to take advantage of. A host of sites are available targeted at specific industries, but in my search, I discovered Invested.in. Basically, it's a no-strings attached funding site-- no equity exchange, no repayment, no personal guarantees.

But wait, who the hell am I to ask people, even people I don't know, to just give me money?? First, I assure you that you're not simply, "giving me money." All donations will go directly towards starting My Foresight Education, not towards my rent. Second, I'm no one in particular; simply, I'm an entrepreneur that believes in an idea and thinks he can better the educational system. While Milton Friedman reminds us all that business are in business to make money, I prefer to think that business are in business to create value. I wouldn't seek this form of funding if I didn't believe in the social promotion aspect of My Foresight Education. Which bring me to my third and final point, all donations made through our Invested.in account will be transformed into donations to educational programs as soon as cash-flow permits it. In addition, donors who give more than $10 will be compensated with a free course to give to a student or use themselves.

Like I said, I don't know if this will work. Maybe no one will take notice. But stay tuned if I have your attention. Over the next two months, I will outline our educational program and explain why this company will create value for students looking to continue their education and why programs like these are needed in the United States.

Why Here? Why Now?

Starting my journey and how entrepreneurship chose me

I just graduated in May. I have very little cash or assets to my name and I have my fair share of debt. The perfect situation to start a company? Hardly.

So why even attempt to start a business with circumstances stacking against my favor? Throughout my last two years at university, I was told that all of my external efforts should be focused on landing a job, maybe even starting a career. For most people, this is why they pursued a higher education: higher paying salaries, job security, stock options, and the works. What I came to realize was that I wasn't like most people-- the idea of being employ #1,326 just didn't appeal to me, regardless of the pay scale.

Who I Am:
I suppose some background information is in order. Hi, my name is Frank Pobutkiewicz and I attended Boston University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, cum laude, and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, cum laude. I grew up on the beautiful Jersey Shore and currently live in Boston, in the same apartment I lived in my last year in school. In many ways, BU was the perfect fit for me: I wanted big, diversified, international, and opportunity. Luckily, I found all of that at my alma mater and in particular from an organization that I dedicated a majority of my effort towards building (in retrospect, probably more than my "job search"), Model United Nations, later to be renamed the International Affairs Association.